
Welcome to our school website! I encourage your exploration of this site whether you are a current family, a potential parent, an alum of Saint Francis de Sales School, or a community member. It’s a pleasure to share this wonderful school with you!

One of my favorite Mother Theresa quotes says: “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

As an educator, I can truly relate to her statement. My job is to prepare children to be literate, independent, critical thinkers. They must be able to communicate effectively, write proficiently, and solve mathematical equations. They learn problem-solving strategies, experimentation, investigation, and research skills through a variety of methodologies to meet every child’s needs. Teaching children is challenging in society today. Schools are asked to assume greater responsibility in the development and safety of children. They must provide a solid foundation of knowledge and develop strong Christian values and character. I strongly believe that Catholic Schools fulfill this vital need. Our Religious Education program emphasizes scripture, Liturgy and sacraments, service to others, and prayer. Catholic Schools share an intimacy with students not realized in many public schools today. We establish a personal and thorough understanding of each child by maintaining small classes and a sense of community throughout our schools and parishes. I am proud to be affiliated with Saint Francis de Sales School- a school dedicated to the successful development of children academically, spiritually, and morally.

I believe in the life-long value of a Catholic education. I attended St. Francis as a child, attained a strong educational foundation, and developed friendships that remain to this day. I graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and went to Marshall University where I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. I returned to Saint Francis de Sales School to begin my teaching career as I continued my education at West Virginia College of Graduate Studies where I attained my Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. I have dedicated my career to Catholic education for over thirty-five years. I believe in it so much that I wanted my children to attend St. Francis and I am proud of the young adults they have become.

My goal as principal is to maintain the vitality of the school. I want every child we nurture to know of God’s great love for each of us and the gifts that we each have been given to use. Our little school in southern West Virginia and the good things we do here may be like that little drop in the ocean, but that drop ripples and adds to the greater good for us all.

Peace to you and yours,

Mary Grace DePolo-Peck